The COCFE is proud of the quality of presenters and presentations we have had at our breakfast trainings and seminars.  Below are the speakers who have presented and the topics they spoke on.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Special Agent Blade Bricker from the Department of Homeland Security, Office of Inspector General
Department of Homeland Security, Office of Inspector General (DHS OIG) Overview and Fraud Schemes

Friday, May 31, 2024

Special Agent Theodore Jamieson from the Defense Criminal Investigative Service
Procurement Fraud

Friday, March 29, 2024

Lindsey Fryer and Dana McMahon, FBI Denver Division Squad CR-1
Blueprint from Fraud to Forfeiture

Thursday, October 26, and Friday, October 27, 2023

2023 COCFE Fall Fraud Conference

Friday, June 23, 2023

Amy Nofziger, Director of Victim Support for the AARP Fraud Watch Network
Elder Fraud & Abuse

Friday, April 21, 2023

Detective Eric Nebel, CFE
Crypto-Currency and Fraud Investigations

Friday, February 17, 2023

Christine Kuglin JD, CPA, LLM,CFE
Tools for Transparency in Government Accounting

Friday, December 2, 2022

Katie O’Donnell, Director of Communications and Public Engagement at DORA
An Overview of DORA and how it can assist in an Investigation

Thursday, October 27, and Friday, October 28, 2022

2022 COCFE Fall Fraud Conference

Friday, July 29, 2022

MaryKay Bunting, Forensic Auditor, Department of Veterans Affairs Office of the Inspector General and Ashley Karmin, Investigative Analyst, Department of Veterans Affairs Officer of the Inspector General
Overview of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) & the VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) & Common Healthcare Fraud Schemes, and Healthcare Fraud Case Highlights

Friday, May 27, 2022

Jennifer K. Dietz, MS, AHFI, CFE, Director, Program Integrity
Uncovering Bias

Friday, March 25, 2022

Christine Z. J. Noel, PhD, CPA and Gary A. Hypes, JD, CPA (WV), CFE
Choosing Industries Wisely: A Case of Professionals Toking Up the Wrong Tree

December 3, 2021
Ilya Lyubimskiy, JD/CPA/CFE
Deterring Fraud Through Careful Estate Planning

Thursday, October 14, and Friday, October 15, 2021

2021 COCFE Fall Fraud Conference

Friday, September 24, 2021

Jacque Riordon and Kevin Hyland
Internal Investigations for Large Corporations

Friday, July 30, 2021

Brad Sargent, CPA/ABV/CFE/CFF/CFS/CCA/CRFAC/FABFA and Jennifer Salisbury, Esq.
The Colorado Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act, and what CFE’s should know

Friday, May 28, 2021

Dr. Johnnie R. Bejarano, DBA, CFE, CPA (CO), CGMA, CGFM, and Secretary of the COCFE Board
Identity Theft: Thieves don’t care if  you are a CFE

Friday, March 26, 2021

Robert Orozco and Andrea Orozco, both Founder’s and Co-Owners of Advanced Professional Investigations
The ins and outs of working with a Professional Private Investigator

Friday, January 8, 2021

Jacque Riordon, Riordon Consulting
Illegal Sou Sou’s

Friday, December 4, 2020

Ian Kildow with the Colorado Attorney General’s Office
Insurance Fraud Study Case

Thursday, October 22, and Friday, October 23, 2020

2020 COCFE Fall Fraud Conference

Friday, September 25, 2020

Jeff Neadle with Covent Bridge
Cell Phone Data

Friday, January 10, 2020

Kevin Rasmussen, FTI Consulting Inc
Forensic Accounting & Expert Witness Support

Friday, December 6, 2019

Gordon Coombes, Investigations Supervisor with Denver Human Services, Program Integrity Unit
Public Assistance Fraud, An Overview

Thursday, October 24, and Friday, October 25, 2019

2019 COCFE Fall Fraud Conference

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Special Agent Sandra Ennis, US Department of Education
Education Fraud

Friday, July 19, 2019

Joseph A. Buchholtz, Aspen Litigation Support, LLC
Social Media Data Capture & Preservation

Friday, May 31, 2019

Melinda Redenius and Robert Kelso, Forensics Pursuit, a Denver-Based Company
Computer Forensics Basics

Friday, March 29, 2019

Alison Connaughty and Rebecca Goffena/CO Attorney General’s Office
The Lighter Side of Fraud

Friday, January 11, 2019

Greg Winchell, CFE, Senior Investigator with Pinnacol Assurance
Workers Compensation Fraud


September 29, 2017 Dr. Steve G. Green A Peek at the DoD Fraud Landscape
July 28, 2017 Special Agent in Charge Steven A. Osborne IRS Current Trends
March 31, 2017, Joint Breakfast Training with IIA Greg Winchell with Pinnacol Insurance Workman’s Comp Fraud
March 6 & 7, 2017 Thomas A. Caulfield, Chief Operating Officer of Procurement Integrity Consulting Services Contract and Procurement Fraud
January 27, 2017 Dana Chavez, Criminal Investigator with the Colorado Attorney General’s Office How Financial Crimes and Auto Theft Crimes are Connected
December 2, 2016 Sean Sloan with the Colorado State Patrol Human Trafficking and the frauds used to support if in operations across Colorado
October 27, 2016 and October 28, 2016 Various  2016 COCFE Fraud Conference
September 2016 SSA Jim Gilliam with the National Insurance Crime Lab Overview of the National Insurance Crime Lab Duties and Responsibilities
July 2016 Denver’s Auditor, Timothy M. O’Brien, CPA Fraud Aspects at the City
May 2016 Travis Boyd, CPA; Dr. Johnnie Bejarano, DBA, CPA, CFE, CGMA, CGFM; Doug Laufer, CPA Interviewing Techniques for Auditors
March 2016 Christine Kuglin, MPAcc, CFE, EA; Dr. Andrew Holt and Dr. Allen Rosenbaum Fraud & Risk in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program.
January 2016


Troy Arnold, Investigator, Office of the CO Attorney General, Environmental Crimes Unit;   Barbara Martin-Worley, MS, Director, Consumer Fraud Protection, Office of the District Attorney, 18th Judicial District;  Jim Milne, Special Agent in Charge at the Colorado Department of Revenue Criminal Tax Enforcement Section;  and Robyn Cafasso, Sr. DDA/Econ Unit

Round Table on Fraud – Stories and Discussions

December 2015 Dave Mowatt, of Mowatt Financial Fraud and 1031 Exchanges: Pitfalls, Problems and Solutions
October 2015
Various, including: Matthew Garth (Special Agent with the IRS Criminal Investigation Division); Mark J. Nigrini (Faculty at the College of Business & Economics at West Virginia University, Scott W. Storey (Senior Chief Deputy District Attorney First Judicial District Attorney’s Office); Lewis Koski (Director, Marijuana Enforcement Division, Colorado Department of Revenue); Elizabeth “Beth” Junell (Partner in EY’s Fraud Investigations & Dispute Services; Ramsey Pace (Senior Manager in EY’s Fraud Investigations & Dispute Services; and Candace Werth.
Two-day fall conference

Various topics

July 2015 Robyn Cafasso; Sr. DDA/Econ Unit, and Robyn Shaw, CPA, CFE Fraud:  Case Study on the use of a CFE in a large fraud trial.
May 2015 Danny M. Goldberg, Founder of GOLDSRD Practical Fraud Auditing   [Presentation]
March 2015 Jessica Leto, CFE, Paralegal Fraud – As Seen Through the Eyes of the Federal Defender’s Office
January 2015 Michele Horn, CFE, JD BP Oil Spill Claims Review
December 2014 Gerald Rome, CDORA, Acting Securities Commissioner Securities Fraud
October 2014 Various Two-day fall conference
Sept 2014 Sandy Chrisman and Jeff Chrisman of Bulldog Detectives, and Pete Evans  Elderly/Religious Affinity Fraud
July 2014 Matthew Dahl, FBI agent (Domestic Counter-Terrorism/ Violent Crime Divisions) Sovereign Citizens
May 2014 Dr. Hugh Grove, Professor, School of Accountancy, Daniels College of Business, University of Denver  Identification and Deterrence of Fraudulent Financial Reporting

Click here for presentation materials:  Presentation, China Forensic Paper, Nuremberg Paper, Gold Fraud Calculator

March 2014 Laurie Kelly, CoBank Compliance Officer Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Fraud Initiatives in Banking
January 2014 Douglas Oliver, FBI Special Agent White Collar Crime
December 2013 Pamela Durkee, U.S. Postal Inspector, Supervisor Prosecuting White-Collar Crimes utilizing the federal Mail Fraud Statute
October 2013 Various Two-day fall conference
July 2013 Special Agents Charlie Schlaufman, CPA and Sondra Pennington of the Colorado Department of Revenue Criminal Tax Enforcement Section Colorado criminal tax law under CRS 39-21-118, examples of investigations
May 2013 Alissa Gardenswartz Senior Assistant Attorney General, Consumer Fraud Unit Charity Fraud and the Colorado Charitable Solicitations Act Presentation
March 2013 Scott Smith, Criminal Investigator, Colorado Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Conducting Criminal Investigations in a Correctional Setting
January 2013 Todd Faubion, MAS, CPS, CFE:  Operational Security Consultant, Pinnacol Assurance Assessing Dangerousness in People and Situations During Your Investigation
November 2012 Sean O’Brien Laboratory Director Rocky Mountain RCFL Digital forensics from a law enforcement perspective
October 2012 Various Two-day conference “TRENDS IN FRAUD” CDs were handed out with seminar presentations.  The following presentation was not on the CD: Cyber Crime and Check Fraud presentation
Sept 2012 Jason Ezell, Detective with the Lakewood Police Department Internal Affairs Unit Internal Investigations (Click for presentation)
July 2012 Kent Prose Senior Criminal Investigator, Denver DA’s office Managing large scale cases
May 2012 Mike Melito,prosecutor with the Colorado Attorney White Collar Crime(click for presentation)
Mar 2012 Rand Gambrell,CPA, CVA, CFE, ABV, CFF Fraud Can Wreak Havoc
Jan 2012 David Schachter, EsqSherman & Howard What exactly is intellectual property?
Nov 11 John KuglinSenior Technology Consultant Cloud computing
Oct 11 Various  Two-day fall seminar
Sept 11 Amanda Rocque,  Affirmative Civil Enforcement Division at the US Attorneys Office The False Claims Act
July 11 Ralph Gagliardi, Agent-in Charge, Colorado Bureau of Investigation and Kevin Hyland, Agent, Colorado Bureau of Investigation Corporate Identity Theft
May 11 William TaylorAlex HoldenCyopsis,IT Forensics and Investigation ACH Fraud
March 11 Mark MagnusonLead Investigator / Investigations Supervisor, Weld County Dept. of Human Services Welfare Fraud
Jan 11 Jena de Mers Raney and Carol Gialiani, US Dept. of Labor, Office of Labor-Management Standards Labor Union Fraud
Nov 10 Special Agent Al Wiesner, US Army


Overview of the Major Procurement Fraud Unit’s structure, within the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command
Oct 10 Various


Two-day fall conference
Sept 10 Joel Wade

Fraud Prevention Officer

Colorado Vital Records Office and the Medical Marijuana Registry Colorado,  Department of Public Health & Environment
July 10 Gordon Yale Goodbye and Good Riddance: How Accounting Magnified the Mortgage Crisis 
May 10 Bob Jaros, Deputy State Controller American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
April 10 Various ACFE Conference in Denver (Contract procurement)
Mar 10 Ken King and

Kirsten Gregg

Conducting background investigations in a  government, regulatory framework.  
Jan 10 Marion Jenkins Social Networking-

Business Builder or Business Wrecker?

Nov 09 Joanna Meyer Healthcare Fraud in a Government Setting
Oct 09
Phil Parrot
Lisa Tennyson
Honorable Judge Gerald J. Rafferty
Pamela Durkee
Linda Kaufman
Andrew Jones
Anthony Scaffidi III

James Morgan

Eugene F. Ferraro, CFE

2 day seminar entitled“Documents Tell the Story”
Sept 09 Arun Kothanath Data Breaches
July 09 Greg Winchell, CFE,  The Elements of a Workers’ Compensation False Claim
March 09 Doug Laufer, Ph.D., CFE, CPA Fraud Examination Education:  Courses and Programs and ACFE Certification Process
Jan 09 Drew T. Durham Unemployment benefit fraud: Case study in catching government benefit fraud thieves.
Nov 08 Peter Millar Internal Audit’s Role in Fraud Prevention & Detection (Joint meeting with the IIA)
Oct 08 Don Rabon 2 day seminar entitled Written Discourse Analysis – How to detect deception in written documents.
Sept 08 Cliff Stricklin Enron and Qwest – Learning from the mistakes of others
July 08
Jeff and Sandy Chrisman
Mark Roggeman
Religious Affinity Fraud
May 08 Wayne Munster Voter Fraud – State of Colorado, Elections Division
March 08 Eugene Ferraro Ethical Investigations for CFE’s
Jan 08
Barbara Martin-Morely
Robin Finegan
Elder Fraud
Nov 07 Gordon Yale Case Study – Securities Fraud
Oct 07 Don Rabon 2 day seminar – Detecting Deception in Interpersonal Communication
Sept 07 Cherry Mallard,  CFE Analyzing Written Statements

– Jon Benet Case Study

July 07 Kevin Hyland Mortgage Fraud
May 07 Tom McAndrews Money Laundering
March 07
Jan 07 Paula Frazer

Michael Handy

Application/Resume Fraud
Nov 06 David Milstead Red Flags for Journalists
Oct 06 Various Speakers October 2 day seminar

-Fraud, where it starts and where it ends

Sept 06 Melanie Names To Catch a Thief – Case Study – Harry Kaufman

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